Directed by Joel Stangle, "Hermann Hermann" is film noir with a delicious Hitchcockian flavor. Someone has murdered Hermann Hermann. Or have they? Arthur, on his last day as a detective, recognizes the name of the victim from a case he handled on his first day, 25 years ago. Now he cannot let the case rest. He must know the truth about Hermann Hermann. "This film was so much fun to work on. The music needed to be very suspenseful, and very dangerous. It really needed to evoke the musical flavors of the classic noir films. I relied heavily on traditional string orchestration in some places (think Bernard Hermann's "Psycho" soundtrack) and on intimate jazz orchestrations in others (think "Harlem Nocturne"). I left most of the performances as rough and as dangerous as I thought I could get away with." --- Doug Gallob We have a limited quantity of DVDs available. Contact Us to purchase one. ($15 + shipping) Listen to samples below. Also find links to cast and crew below. |
Main Film Site: | Joel's Blog Spot |
Director: | Joel Stangle |
Director of Photography: | Joel Stangle |
Producer: | Christine Hager |
Editor: | Friedrich Hager |
Original Score: | Doug Gallob |
Post Production Audio: | Doug Gallob |
Additional Crew: | Serina Montoya |
Alex Palma | |
Amanda Candelaria | |
Hermann Hermann: | Nils Kiehn |
Arthur: | Scott Swaggart |
Leonard: | Arthur Martinez |
Marshall: | Patrick A. Wolf |
Ms. Huston: | Haley Johnson |
Young Hermann: | Tyler Lee Montoya |
PsychoTheRapist: | Richard D. Knight |
Captain: | James Whiteman |
Martha: | Nichole Rhode |
Man at Chessboard 1: | Christopher Lee |
Man at Chessboard 2: | Tom Kennedy |
Wretched Cousin: | Melody West |
Preacher: | Alex Palma |
Funeral Guests: | Serina Montoya |
Charles Candelaria | |
Ana Rodriguez | |
Blind Man: | Doug Gallob |
Car Driver: | Rusty Montoya |
Cast and Crew of Hermann Hermann, if you worked on this film and you're not on this link list, it's just an oversight on my part. Drop me a note (and web link if you've got one (or an email address if you want to allow people to contact you)). I'll put you up!!